domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Summary: How do we solve energy poverty?

Nowadays the humanity come consuming a lot of power. This is provided of the electricity, hydroelectrics, burning of coal or fuels and others. Totaling almost 14 terawatt. The oil is a energy source so good that second the political scientist Thomas Homer-Dixon( of the University of Waterloo, during a talk at the Equinox Summit in early June.) "Three tablespoons of crude oil provide as much free energy as expended by an adult male laborer in a day’s labor."

The modern energy is coming in the poorest countries and enabling the continued use of copious energy in the developed world without the attendant greenhouse gas emissions. This is one of the most import things on the vision of many experts, because to them we will need of roughly 30 terawatts of energy by mid-century. Share that lifestyle to the rest of the world means more problems.

If a use of electricity grow up to the world means more environmental impact. And even if more environmentally-friendly technologies are used to extend modern energy’s reach, there will be more environmental impact. In the 1990s the electric vehicles cars were resurrected, researchers found that battery-powered cars would introduce more lead into the environment than if they burned leaded gasoline. That's energy, largely from fossil fuels, has freed humans and animals from labor by powering machines and also about health, a lack of modern energy means a lack of electricity to power refrigerators to store life-saving vaccines. Those applications of energy are definitely ones we want to extend to the developing world. The trick will be doing it in a way that preserves people and the planet.­­

(By David Biello | Jun 30, 2011)

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